A How-To Guide to Troubleshooting & Resolving Citrix Logon Issues
Troubleshooting and permanently resolving Citrix logon duration issues is an excruciating and painful challenge for most.
Citrix Engineers – and most likely for you too! Unfortunately, obstacles to troubleshooting get even more challenging when the tools on the market are either ill-equipped to provide the level of detail necessary to determine root cause, or simply provide inaccurate metrics based on flawed calculation methodology.
For instance, many products advertising that they provide logon duration present values for each stage of the logon process that neatly break down and add up to the sum of overall logon time. On the surface this seems to make sense intuitively, but is actually completely inaccurate. The Logon Duration in a Citrix environment is famously intricate, with many of the stages occurring simultaneously and overlapping – meaning that the total logon time will almost never equal the sum of its parts. In fact, there are 33 stages in the overall logon process just to get a user session brokered to its session host.
Download this guide and learn more about the explicit micro-stages of the logon process. Find out how Citrix Administrators use this level of detail to pinpoint root cause of logon duration issues, and how they use a combination of technology and analysis to troubleshoot and resolve these performance issues for end users.